Vscan servers showing as disconnected along with Nblade.noSmbVerNegotiated in EMS
Applies to
- Vscan
- After initial setup of a virus scan solution with ONTAP:
::> vscan connection-status show-all -instance
(vserver vscan connection-status show-all)
Node: NETAPP01
Vserver: SVM1
Server Status: disconnected
Server Type: primary
Vscanner Vendor: -
Vscanner Version: -
Server Disconnect Reason: -
Time When Vscanner Was Disconnected: -
Privileged User Used for Connection: -
Time When Vscanner Was Connected: -
Vserver LIF Used for Connection: -
- EMS log:
[NETAPP01: kernel: Nblade.noSmbVerNegotiated:error]: For Vserver "SVM01", Data ONTAP(R) could not negotiate with the client "" because it does not support any of the SMB protocol versions that the client sent in the list "".