Unable to connect to CIFS Shares and get error "Nblade.cifsMemExceeded" in ONTAP
Applies to
- Users are not able to connect to CIFS Shares
- Errors observed in
:[Nblade.cifsMemExceeded:error]: The CIFS subsystem on this node has exceeded its allotment of xxxx bytes of node memory with currently xx memory allocation failures
Nblade.cifs.budgetAllocFailure: Memory Allocation failed for SMB2 Command. The CIFS subsystem on this node has exceeded its allotment of 1422246543 bytes of node memory. CIFS subsystems that have consumed the most memory are Disk File '1387896960 bytes', File Path '25624752 bytes' and Session '4948080 bytes'.
- Statistics on the node:
Cluster::*> statistics show -node node-01 -object nblade_cifs -instance node-01 -counter memory_budget_consumed_by_type |memory_budget_consumed|memory_budget_size -raw
Object: nblade_cifs
Instance: node-01
Scope: node-01
Counter Value
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
memory_budget_consumed 1361886288
memory_budget_consumed_by_type -
Disk File 1356074112
Named Pipe File 0
File Path 11152
memory_budget_size 1422246543
3 entries were displayed.