CIFS Setup fails with "AUTH: notice - Could not establish LDAP security context"
Applies to
- Data ONTAP 8 7-mode
At the end of CIFS Setup, it fails with the following errors:
Enter the name of the Windows user [Administrator@DOMAIN.COM]:
Password for Administrator@DOMAIN.COM:
CIFS - Logged in as Administrator@DOMAIN.COM.
*** Setup cannot bind to an LDAP server for the DOMAIN.COM active
*** directory domain, and so cannot continue.
sim73-rtp2*> Fri Feb 4 14:39:45 EST [cifs.trace.GSSinfo:info]: AUTH: notice- Could not establish LDAP security context.
Fri Feb 4 14:39:45 EST [cifs.trace.GSSinfo:info]: AUTH: notice- A token was invalid.
Fri Feb 4 14:39:45 EST [cifs.trace.GSSinfo:info]: AUTH: notice- Token header is malformed or corrupt