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NetApp Knowledge Base

Increased latency due to high QOS minimum latency after upgrade to ONTAP 9.7

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.7 or ONTAP 9.8 
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Adaptive Quality of Service (AQoS).


  • The following EMS error may be observed:
[<node_name>: qos_vd_window_manager: qos.VioDet.maxThrottle:notice]: QoS violation limit for NODE <UUID> is 95424 IOPS.
  • Increased latency due to QoS after upgrade to ONTAP 9.7
  • High latency is visible in the QoS Min delay center, with low workloads


Cluster::> qos statistics volume latency show
Workload             ID    Latency    Network    Cluster       Data       Disk    QoS Max    QoS Min      NVRAM
---------------  ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
vol1-wid123        1456   719.23ms   383.00us     4.00us   525.00us   145.00us        0ms   717.99ms   177.00us
vol2-wid234       16744   716.25ms   386.00us     4.00us   613.00us   117.00us        0ms   714.91ms   215.00us
vol3-wid567        6399   712.09ms   442.00us        0ms  1281.00us  1284.00us        0ms   709.08ms        0ms
  • VMware alarms report lost access to the affected volumes for a few seconds
    • Lost access to volume xyz due to connectivity issues. Recovery attempt is in progress and outcome will be reported shortly.



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