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NetApp Knowledge Base

Tiering is not working on a newly create FabricPool

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP S3
  • ONTAP 9
  • FabricPool


On the cluster where you create FabricPool you see the following:
::*> storage aggregate object-store show
Aggregate      Object Store Name Availability   Mirror Type
-------------- ----------------- -------------  -----------
cluster2_01_SSD_1 fpb            available      primary


::*> storage aggregate show-space -aggregate cluster2_01_SSD_1

      Aggregate : cluster2_01_SSD_1
      Performance Tier
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Volume Footprints                             24.03GB         9%
      Aggregate Metadata                            220.4MB         0%
      Snapshot Reserve                                   0B         0%
      Total Used                                    24.24GB         9%

      Total Physical Used                           25.49GB         9%

      Total Provisioned Space                       29.37GB        10%

      Aggregate : cluster2_01_SSD_1
      Object Store: fpb
      Feature                                          Used      Used%
      --------------------------------           ----------     ------
      Logical Used                                       0B          -
      Logical Referenced Capacity                        0B          -
      Logical Unreferenced Capacity                      0B          -

      Total Physical Used                                0B          -



::*> volume show-footprint -volume FPV

      Vserver : svm1
      Volume  : FPV

      Feature                                         Used       Used%
      --------------------------------             ----------    -----
      Volume Data Footprint                           23.73GB       8%
             Footprint in Performance Tier            23.88GB     100%
             Footprint in fpb                            12GB      50%
      Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
      Flexible Volume Metadata                        147.2MB       0%
      Deduplication Metadata                              4KB       0%
           Cross Volume Deduplication                     4KB       0%
      Delayed Frees                                   159.9MB       0%

      Total Footprint                                 24.03GB       9%

      Footprint Data Reduction                        48.82MB       0%
           Data Compaction                            48.82MB       0%
      Effective Total Footprint                       23.98GB       9%




On the cluster where bucket reside you see 0 objects

cluster1::*> vserver object-store-server bucket show -fields object-count
vserver       bucket object-count
------------- ------ ------------
svm1_cluster1 fpb    0

cluster1::*> vserver object-store-server bucket policy show -vserver svm1_cluster1 -bucket fpb
Vserver     Bucket     Index Effect Action       Principal       Resource
----------- ---------- ----- ------ ------------ --------------- --------------
            fpb            1 allow  ListBucket   -               fpb, fpb/*


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