ONTAP 9 Upgrade Guide introduces 2 different image upgrade commands, both need to be executed?
Applies to
- The section of "Installing the ONTAP software image" in ONTAP 9 Upgrade and Revert/Downgrade Guide introduces below upgrade command:
system node image update -node * -package location -replace-package true -setdefault true -background true
This is used to upgrade ONTAP from HTTP/FTP server and can be used in all of ONTAP 9 releases.
- The section of "Performing an automatic nondisruptive upgrade using the CLI" in the same guide introduces another upgrade command:
cluster image update -version package_version_number
This is used to upgrade ONTAP from a local folder within the storage itself and only applies to ONTAP 9.4 and later releases.
No need to execute both.
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