Is it possible to use the ONTAP 9 CLI to create an SNMPv3 user non-interactively?
Applies to
No, it is not possible to create an SNMPv3 user via ONTAP 9's command line interface non-interactively.
To create an SNMPv3 user in ONTAP 9, the credentials and arguments must be provided interactively:
Cluster::> security login create -user-or-group-name ExampleName -role role -application snmp -authentication-method usm
Enter the authoritative entity's EngineID [local EngineID]: <Input Required>
Which authentication protocol do you want to choose (none, md5, sha, sha2-256) [none]: <Input Required>
Enter the authentication protocol password (minimum 8 characters long): <Input Required>
Enter the authentication protocol password again: <Input Required>
Which privacy protocol do you want to choose (none, des, aes128) [none]: <Input Required>
Enter privacy protocol password (minimum 8 characters long): <Input Required>
Enter privacy protocol password again:
<Input Required>
Additional Information
A Request for enhancement (RFE) 1329258 was created to request the ability to create an SNMPv3 user in ONTAP 9 non-interactively. Please work with your account team to monitor the request for enhancement for future updates.
Details surrounding the interactive security parameters above can be located in the ONTAP 9 documentation center: SNMPv3 security parameters