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How to promote deprioritized constituent of a flex group

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • AFF 


  • When a constituent of flex group is deprioritized and while promoting the flex group to re-participate in the volume-level background deduplication, it throws the below error:

AFF-01::*> volume efficiency promote -vserver <vserver name> -volume <flex group name>
Error: command failed: FlexGroup volume "<vol name>" in Vserver "<vserver name>" is not supported for promotion. Retry the command on constituent(s) of the FlexGroup, if required.

  • A volume or constituent of a flex group gets deprioritized while having the efficiency policy with auto and if it does not meet the below requirements,
  1.  If volumes are not showing at least 15% savings even after scanning more than 20% of the volume nominal size.
  2.  Has frequent overwrites.
  • Below is the command to check state of the constituent,

AFF-01::> volume efficiency show -vserver <vserver name > -path /vol/<constituent>

Path:                               /vol/<constituent>
State:                              Enabled
Auto state:                         Deprioritized
Compression:                        Disabled
Inline Compression:                 Disabled
Incompressible Data Detection:      Disabled

  • The deprioritized volumes or constituents will no longer participate in the auto policy. Change logging on deprioritized volumes is disabled, and metadata on these volumes is truncated.


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