AutoSupport fails to send in ONTAP when routed through an intercluster LIF
Applies to
AutoSupport messages fail to transmit. Running system node autosupport check show-details command produces results as follows:
cluster1::> system autosupport check show-details
Component: http-post-destination
Status: failed
Detail: HTTP/S POST connectivity check failed for destination:
LibCurl Error (7): Couldn't connect to server.
Component: http-post-destination
Status: failed
Detail: HTTP/S POST connectivity check failed for destination:
Server responded with Error: 503.
- Check in the notifyd.log for an entry similar to the following, The [x.x.x.x] is the intercluster lif ip.
0000000e.010261d5 65c3e06f Fri Jan 13 2023 01:20:57 +08:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1346] (category: 1346:4397:deliver) (emittime: 1/13/2023 00:48:05) (message: 250-EXCH.XXXX.XXX Hello [x.x.x.x])
0000000d.00df8fa2 65c3c56c Fri Jan 13 2023 01:18:25 +08:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1346] (category: 1346:4422:deliver) (emittime: 1/13/2023 00:45:34) (message: 250-EXCH.XXXX.XXX Hello [x.x.x.x])