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After a power outage Snapshots on Flexgroup missing with no manual delete attempt

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9 cluster with more than 2 nodes
  • Flexgroups in use with constituents spanning across one HA-Pair
  • Flexgroup Snapshots


  • Two nodes of one HA-Pair:
    • own constituents of the same Flexgroup.
    • reboot unexpectedly at the same time without clean shutdown (for example due to multi disk panic or power outage).
    • boot up again at the same time.
  • After the reboot, single or multiple Flexgroup Snapshot(s) are completely lost or show - from snapshot show under Size Total% Used% when only some constituents have lost the corresponding Flexgroup Snapshot:

::> set adv
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

::*> vol show -vserver svm1 -volume MyFlexgroup1 -fields is-flexgroup
vserver volume       is-flexgroup
------- ------------ ------------
svm1    MyFlexgroup1 true

::*> volume snapshot show -vserver svm1 -volume MyFlexgroup1
Vserver  Volume   Snapshot                                  Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm1     MyFlexgroup1
                  MySnapshot1                              -         -   -
                  hourly.2024-03-11_0905                   360KB     0%   36%
2 entries were displayed.
1 entry was acted on.

::*> node run -node MyCluster-01 -command snap status MyFlexgroup1__0001
Node: MyCluster-01
Volume MyFlexgroup1__0001
snapid  status     date           ownblks release fsRev name
------  ------     ------------   ------- ------- ----- --------
  2     complete   Mar 11 09:05        47     9.7 35092 hourly.2024-03-11_0905
  1     complete   Mar 11 09:00        47     9.7 35092 MySnapshot1

::*> node run -node MyCluster-02 -command snap status MyFlexgroup1__0002
Node: MyCluster-02
Volume MyFlexgroup1__0002
snapid  status     date           ownblks release fsRev name
------  ------     ------------   ------- ------- ----- -------
2     complete   Mar 11 09:05        47     9.7 35092 hourly.2024-03-11_0905

Note: MySnapshot1 is missing on constituent MyFlexgroup1__0002

::*> snapshot show -vserver svm1 -volume MyFlexgroup1 -snapshot MySnapshot1 -fields state
vserver volume       snapshot    state
------- ------------ ----------- -----
svm1    MyFlexgroup1 MySnapshot1 unknown

  • An affected node can hit a panic after reboot as a result of excessive snapshot deletion:
Panic_Message: timeout table full in SK process snap_lopri_work on release 9.11.1P8
Note: this is only a side effect and tracked under defect CONTAP-201771

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