X4020 NVMe drives on NA51 firmware may timeout and fail leading to multidisk panic
Applies to
- X4020A (X4020S173A15TNQF) NVMe drive
- Disks begin timing out and report SCSI check condition errors and path retries (these errors are repeated multiple times):
Sun May 02 12:20:30 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.checkCondition:error]: Disk device 0n.14L0: Check Condition: CDB 0x28:79bf3200:0040: Sense Data SCSI:aborted command - (0xb - 0x90 0x6 0xfa)(5240).
[?] Sun May 02 12:20:30 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: disk.timeout.flush.start:debug]: Aggressive timeout flush started on disk 0n.14.
Sun May 02 12:20:30 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: disk_server_0: disk.IO.status:debug]: params: {'deviceName': '0n.14L0', 'returnCode': '9', 'pathRetryCount': '0', 'adapterStatus': '0x5', 'cdb': '0x28:7d726b10:0001', 'basicTimeout': '5', 'iASCQ': '0x0', 'iSenseKey': '0x0', 'sSenseCode': '', 'ETime': '5233', 'iASC': '0x0', 'victimRetryCount': '0', 'sSenseKey': 'SCSI:no sense', 'targetStatus': '0x0', 'disk_information': 'Disk 0n.14 Shelf 0 Bay 14 [NETAPP X4020S173A15TNQF NA51] S/N [S123AB4CD45678] UID [36313230:4EC00745:00253845:00000003:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000]', 'retryCount': '0', 'pathsTried': '0', 'timeoutRetryCount': '0'}
Sun May 02 12:20:30 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.notReadyConditionEMSOnly:debug]: Disk device 0n.14L0: Device returns not yet ready: CDB 0x28:79bf3200:0040: Sense Data SCSI:not ready - Drive spinning up (0x2 - 0x4 0x1 0x82)(5240).
- This then results in disk failures:
Sun May 02 12:27:12 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.pastTimeToLive:error]: Disk device 0n.14L0: request failed after try #2: cdb 0x28:7a19bdc0:0040.
Sun May 02 12:27:12 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: disk_server_0: scsi.debug:debug]: shm_setup_for_failure disk 0n.14 (S/N S123AB4CD45678) error 80000000h
Sun May 02 12:27:12 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: disk_server_0: scsi.debug:debug]: shm_setup_for_failure disk 0n.14 (S/N S123AB4CD45678) error 40000000h
- This may result in orphaned disks, multi-disk panics, and failed aggregates and messages the node has rebooted after power-on:
Sun May 02 12:30:14 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: config_thread: raid.assim.cls.notInCls:debug]: Orphaning disk 0n.14P3 in plex aggr1/0, because it is not in the CLS.
Sun May 02 12:30:14 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: config_thread: raid.assim.disk.spare:notice]: Sparing Disk 0n.14P3 Shelf 0 Bay 14 [NETAPP X4020S173A15TNQF NA51] S/N [S123AB4CD45678NP003] UID [66313230:4EC00745:00253845:00000003:500A0981:00000003:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000], because volume (aggr1) is online and complete
Sun May 02 12:30:14 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: config_thread: callhome.disk.orphan:notice]: Call home for ORPHAN DISK PROCESSING.
Sun May 02 12:30:25 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: config_thread: sk.panic:alert]: Panic String: aggr aggr1: raid volfsm, fatal multi-disk error.. Raid type - raid_dp Group name plex0/rg0 state DOUBLERECONS. 1 disk failed in the group. Disk 0n.14P2 Shelf 0 Bay 14 [NETAPP X4020S173A15TNQF NA51] S/N [S123AB4CD45678NP003] UID [66313230:4EC00745:00253845:00000003:500A0981:00000003:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] error: fatal disk error. in SK process config_thread on release 9.8P2 (C)
Sun May 02 12:30:53 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: config_thread: raid.vol.failed:notice]: Aggregate aggr1: Failed due to multi-disk error.
Sun May 02 12:33:03 -0600 [CLUSTER-01: send_boot_msg_thread: mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after power-on.