The cluster IP is disconnected for about 1 minute when the e0M port is unplugged
Applies to
In the log below, we can see that unplug is at 13:16:27, but the port link down was identified at 13:17:33.
Ping command output:
"OK","2020/10/09 13:16:26","","","Time: 0ms",""
"NG","2020/10/09 13:16:27","","","Request timed out",""
"NG","2020/10/09 13:17:36","","","Request timed out",""
"OK","2020/10/09 13:17:37","","","Time: 0ms",""
[?] Fri Oct 09 13:17:33 +0900 [p-dc2-fas-01-01: mgmt_port_link_status_poll: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet Wrench Port: Link down, check cable.
[?] Fri Oct 09 13:17:36 +0900 [p-dc2-fas-01-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portdown:notice]: A link down event was received on node p-dc2-fas-01-01, port e0M.
[?] Fri Oct 09 13:17:36 +0900 [p-dc2-fas-01-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifdown.noports:alert]: LIF p-dc2-fas-01-01_mgmt1 (on virtual server 4294967295), IP address, currently cannot be hosted on node p-dc2-fas-01-01, port e0M, or any of its failover targets, and is being marked as down.
[?] Fri Oct 09 13:17:36 +0900 [p-dc2-fas-01-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifBeingRemoved:notice]: LIF p-dc2-fas-01-01_mgmt1 (on virtual server 4294967295), IP address, is being removed from node p-dc2-fas-01-01, port e0M.
[?] Fri Oct 09 13:17:36 +0900 [p-dc2-fas-01-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifmoved.linkdown:notice]: LIF cluster_mgmt (on virtual server 4294967295), IP address, is being moved to node p-dc2-fas-01-02, port e0M.
[?] Fri Oct 09 13:17:36 +0900 [p-dc2-fas-01-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifBeingRemoved:notice]: LIF cluster_mgmt (on virtual server 4294967295), IP address, is being removed from node p-dc2-fas-01-01, port e0M.