PSU not receiving enough input voltage results in degraded PSU
Applies to
- FAS8300
- FAS8700
- AFF-A400
- AFF-A800
- Error messages will appear with "crit low" input power:
[Cluster1-01: env_mgr: monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded:notice]: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Volt In is Critical Low (118000 mV)
- Platform sensors show the PSU as healthy except for the input voltage being below the minium threshold
Cluster1::*> system environment sensors show
Node Sensor State Value/Units Crit-Low Warn-Low Warn-Hi Crit-Hi
---- ---------- ------ ----------- -------- -------- ------- -------
PSU1 VIN crit-low 118000 mV 90200 93500 264000 277200
PSU1 VOUT normal 12012 mV 11336 11440 12948 13156
PSU1 Curr IIN normal 832 mA 0 - 9984 12012