Host lost access to NetApp Lun due to lun being manually unmapped
Applies to
- Ontap 9
- Oracle ASM Cluster
- Lun disappeared on host end and the disk is not accessible anymore by the host.
- The affected lun is not visible in ASUPs either under
log either during the issue time. Audit
log located at/etc/log/auditlog
has a record of lun unmap commands being executed in ASUP:
0000002d.00576d22 0111c7d2 Thu Jul 20 2023 13:55:31 +02:00 [kern_audit:info:2684] 8003e800000596xx:8003e800000596xx :: xxx:ssh :: 10.251.xy.xx:55872 :: xxx:admin :: lun mapping delete /vol/SAN_LUN_0106222319124252xx -igroup IG -vserver svm :: Pending
0000002d.00576d29 0111c7d2 Thu Jul 20 2023 13:55:32 +02:00 [kern_audit:info:2684] 8003e800000596xx:8003e800000596xx :: xxx:ssh :: 10.251.xy.xx:55872 :: xxx:admin :: lun mapping delete /vol/SAN_LUN_0106222319124252xx -igroup IG -vserver svm :: Succes