Error in Interconnect Communication Causes Failure in Disk Firmware Download
Applies to
- FAS2720
- Disk Qualification Package(DQP)
- ONTAP is upgraded, and disk firmware is also updated to the version, which is bundled with the update.
- However, an error occurs for only one disk, resulting in a failed update.
[?] Thu May 18 13:20:47 +0900 [XXXXXXX: config_thread: raid.disk.offline:notice]: Marking Disk 0a.01.8 Shelf 1 Bay 8 [NETAPP X388_WPSCE16TA07 NA00] S/N [XXXXXXXX] UID [5000CCA2:950925D0:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] offline.
[?] Thu May 18 13:20:47 +0900 [XXXXXXX: bg_disk_fw_update_admin: bdfu.selected:info]: Disk 0a.01.8 [NETAPP X388_WPSCE16TA07 NA00] S/N [XXXXXXXX] selected for background disk firmware update.
[?] Thu May 18 13:20:47 +0900 [XXXXXXX: dynamic_dev_qual_admin: dfu.firmwareDownloading:info]: Now downloading firmware file /etc/disk_fw/X388_WPSCE16TA07.NA01.LOD on 1 disk(s) of plex [Pool0]...
[?] Thu May 18 13:20:47 +0900 [XXXXXXX: hamsg: dfu.clusterIcError:error]: HA interconnect error 8 encountered. Unable to download firmware to disk 0a.01.8 [NETAPP X388_WPSCE16TA07 NA01] S/N [XXXXXXXX].
[?] Thu May 18 13:20:47 +0900 [XXXXXXX: dynamic_dev_qual_admin: dfu.fwDownloadFailedResumeIO:debug]: Resume I/O command failed for disk 0a.01.8 with SCSI return error 15.
[?] Thu May 18 13:20:47 +0900 [XXXXXXX: config_thread:]: Onlining Disk 0a.01.8 Shelf 1 Bay 8 [NETAPP X388_WPSCE16TA07 NA00] S/N [XXXXXXXX] UID [5000CCA2:950925D0:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000].