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NetApp Knowledge Base

Disk is not connected to the same set of nodes as the disk(s) preceding it in the list

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Storage Pool


  • Created storage pool failed with error:

Mon Aug 22 2022 15:39:43 +09:00 [kern_audit:info:2156]cluster:ssh :: :: cluster:admin :: storage pool create -storage-pool pool1 -disk-list 1.2.0,1.2.1,1.2.2,1.2.3,1.2.4,1.2.5,1.2.6,1.2.7,1.2.8,1.2.9,1.2.10 :: Pending
Mon Aug 22 2022 15:39:43 +09:00 [kern_audit:info:2156]cluster:ssh :: :: cluster:admin :: storage pool create -storage-pool pool1 -disk-list 1.2.0,1.2.1,1.2.2,1.2.3,1.2.4,1.2.5,1.2.6,1.2.7,1.2.8,1.2.9,1.2.10 :: Error: Disk "1.2.7" is not connected to the same set of nodes as the disk(s) preceding it in the list

  • Disk "1.2.7" have the same owner Node-01 as other disks:

DISK       OWNER                    POOL   SERIAL NUMBER         HOME                     DR HOME                CHKSUM
------------ -------------            -----  -------------         -------------            -------------          --------
0b.02.1      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106176        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173FE, Attachment: Local
0a.02.4      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106159        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173ED, Attachment: Local
0a.02.2      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106169        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173F7, Attachment: Local
0b.02.11     Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106177        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173FF, Attachment: Local
0b.02.5      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106165        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173F3, Attachment: Local
0b.02.3      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106162        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173F, Attachment: Local
0a.02.6      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106173        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173FB, Attachment: Local
0a.02.0      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106172        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173FA, Attachment: Local
0a.02.8      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106168        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173F6, Attachment: Local
0a.02.10     Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106167        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02173F5, Attachment: Local
0b.02.7      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106178        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:02174, Attachment: Local
0b.02.9      Node-01(xxxxxx005)    Pool0  XXXXXXXX106179        Node01(xxxxxx005)                          Block PRkey=xxxxxx005   UpCnt=    5 duid=5002538B:0217401, Attachment: Local

  • MGWD shows entry of disk "1.2.7" doesn't exist in partner node(Node-02):

Mon Aug 22 2022 15:39:43 +09:00 [kern_mgwd:info:2156]ERR: TABLES::disk: getNodeDiskDataUsingKsmf: Failed to create bulk iterator for node Node-02. Reason: entry doesn't exist   

  • SYSCONFIG -R of partner node(Node-02) shows that bay number is different from the correct bay# per the Device name :

Partner disks

RAID Disk Device   HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
--------- ------   ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
partner  0b.02.9  0b    2   21  SA:B   0   SSD   N/A 915465/1874872832 915715/1875385008
partner  0b.02. 0b    2   19  SA:B   0   SSD   N/A 915465/1874872832 915715/1875385008
partner  0a.02.8  0a    2   20  SA:A   0   SSD   N/A 915465/1874872832 915715/1875385008
partner  0a.02.10 0a    2   22  SA:A   0   SSD   N/A 915465/1874872832 915715/1875385008

  • But the bay number of these disks from disk owner are matched:

Pool0 spare disks

RAID Disk    Device      HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
---------    ------      ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
Spare disks for block checksum
spare       0a.02.8     0a    2   8   SA:B   0   SSD   N/A 915465/1874872832 915715/1875385008 (not zeroed)
spare       0a.02.10    0a    2   10  SA:B   0   SSD   N/A 915465/1874872832 915715/1875385008 (not zeroed)
spare       0b.02.7     0b    2   7   SA:A   0   SSD   N/A 915465/1874872832 915715/1875385008 (not zeroed)
spare       0b.02.9     0b    2     SA:A   0   SSD   N/A 915465/1874872832 915715/1875385008 (not zeroed)


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