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NetApp Knowledge Base

BMC update fails during ONTAP upgrade

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  • The BMC firmware is not upgraded on a node automatically during the ONTAP upgrade.
  • The following events are seen in the SP-MGMT-MLOG-TXT.GZ section of the autosupport logs:

[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80b715000: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: InstallSpPckg: Installing /mroot/etc/sp_fw/
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80b715000: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: InstallSpPckg: SP firmware package /mroot/etc/sp_fw/ has been installed.
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80b715000: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: ScheduleSpAutoUpdate: Checking whether SP network is available for SP firmware auto-update
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80b715000: 0: ERR: Servprocd::SpUpdate: doPreUpdateChecks: In function - SpCPMIUpdateOp::doPreUpdateChecks()
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80b715000: 0: ERR: Servprocd::SpUpdate: doPreUpdateChecks: Ping test to internal BMC IP failed.
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80b715000: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: ScheduleSpAutoUpdate: SP Firmware network auto-update using firmware package /mroot/etc/sp_fw/ could not be scheduled.
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80b715000: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: SpUpdateStateHandleEvent: New SP firmware package is locally available, SP auto-update has not been triggered.
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80b715000: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: SpUpdateReport: New SP package 13.7P1 is available on local node.
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x809426f00: 8003ea000000080d: ERR: Servprocd::CLI: create_imp: The specified package /mroot/etc/software/ could not be read.
[kern_servprocd:info:6143] 0x80946d400: 8503ea0000000445: ERR: Servprocd::CLI: get_bmc_boot_image: Failed to get boot image for BMC

  • Rebooting the BMC or trying to upgrade the BMC manually from the ONTAP prompt does not work.
  • An attempt to upgrade BMC firmware from BMC prompt is also unsuccessful.
  • The upgrade does not work even after resetting the BMC configuration.
  • Reseating the motherboard of the affected node does not help in upgrading the BMC firmware.

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