ANDU paused: node not in 'waiting for giveback' state due to BIOS firmware upgrade failure
Applies to
- AFF A300
- Automated Non-Disruptive Upgrade (ANDU)
Automated Non-Disruptive Upgrade (ANDU) is paused because the partner is not in a "waiting for giveback"
- In
[node-01: upgrademgr: upgrademgr.update.pausederr:ERROR]: The automated update of the cluster has been paused due to the following reason: Node "node-01": Error: {Node "node-02" is not in "waiting for giveback" state.}, Action: {Use the "storage failover show" to verify that node "node-02" is in one of the following states: "waiting for giveback" or "connected".}.
[node-01: notifyd: callhome.andu.pausederr:alert]: params: {'epoch': '91e735df-158b-4999-8546-5523299458af', 'subject': 'AUTOMATED NDU PAUSED'}
cluster image show-update-progress
::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated Elapsed
Update Phase Status Duration Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:00:35
Data ONTAP updates paused-on-error 01:23:00 00:37:18
Node name Status Status Description
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
node-01 waiting
node-02 failed Error: Node "node-02" is not in
"waiting for giveback" state.
Action: Use the "storage failover
show" to verify that node
"node-02" is in one of the
following states: "waiting for
giveback" or "connected".
- In console logs
Saving Primary Image to Backup flash device
fail unlocking memory
Failed. -4 bytes written: I/O error
Failed to save Primary Image to Backup flash device. Programming of Primary aborted
Automatic firmware update skipped (update_flash command failed).
Warning: The boot media contains a newer firmware image (11.21).
Please run 'update_flash' at the Loader prompt to update your
system firmware (11.20).