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2n MetroCluster Upgrade AUSO switchback fails

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • 2 node MetroCluster
  • ONTAP 9
  • Automatic Unplanned SwitchOver (AUSO) during ONTAP upgrade
  • Switchback fails


  1. A manual ONTAP upgrade is taking place.
  2. Switchover fails so the node is restarted, triggering an AUSO.
  3. Aggregate heal fails with error:

Error: command failed: Unable to perform the MetroCluster operation because of a Data ONTAP version mismatch. All nodes in a MetroCluster configuration must have the same version for both the current and default images.

4. The steps have been followed in Unable to upgrade 2-node MetroCluster due to Data ONTAP version mismatch however the command fails with erro:

Error: command failed: Cannot change default software image. One or more aggregates are not online. Use the "storage aggregate show -state !online" command to list them.

Cluster_B::*> stor aggr show -state !online

Cluster_B Switched Over Aggregates:
Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
aggr0_A01   0B        0B    0%     offline  0     Cluster_A-01     raid4,

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