Transition SVM peer ignores "local-lifs" parameter when multipath is configured
Applies to
- Transitional (type-TDP) SnapMirror
When using multipath for type-TDP SnapMirrors created manually or through the 7Mode Transition Tool (7MTT), SnapMirror ignores the "local-lifs" parameter as configured in the SVM peer transition relationship.
This issue occurs only when InterCluster LIF(s) are defined in the "local-lifs" parameter of the SVM transition peer relationship and only when a multipath address is configured. As an example, consider a single-node destination cluster with two InterCluster LIFs configured in the same IPSpace, "ic1" and "ic2".
ClusterA::> network interface show -role intercluster
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
ic1 up/up ClusterA-01 e0a true
ic2 up/up ClusterA-01 e0b true
An SVM peer transition is configured with multipath and with a defined "local-lifs" parameter of "ic2".
ClusterA::> vserver peer transition show
Vserver Source Filer Multi Path Address Local LIFs
------- ------------ ----------------- ---------------
svmTDP 7mode_source ic2
However, when viewing the SnapMirror type-TDP (Transition) logs located in /etc/log/snapmirror
on the destination controller node, we see SnapMirror using both "ic1" and "ic2" for connections to the source 7mode controller.
dst Sun Jun 9 09:00:51 CDT 7mode_source:sourceVol svmTDP:destVol Request (Initialize)
dst Sun Jun 9 09:00:54 CDT 7mode_source:sourceVol svmTDP:destVol Multipath configuration detected, able to find multipath address.
dst Sun Jun 9 09:00:54 CDT 7mode_source:sourceVol svmTDP:destVol Using destination IPs