Snapmirror Reverse Resync failed with "Failed to change the volume vol to data-protection.(Internal error)"
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.6 or later
- When perform Snapmirror Reverse Resync and failed with "Failed to change the volume <volume> to data-protection.(Internal error)"
Mon Nov 02 17:15:06 EDT 2020 ResyncSetup[Oct 27 21:41:58]:c43f91ed-18be-11eb-b1b1-d039ea16bc83 Operation-Uuid=c479dd9d-18be-11eb-b1b1-d039ea16bc83 Group=none Operation-Cookie=0 action=End source=srcsvm:srcvol destination=dstsvm:dstvol status=Failure message=Failed to change the volume dstsvm:dstvol to data-protection.(Internal error)
- In EMS log, the following error message will be logged
Mon Nov 02 17:15:06 -0500 [BGNAN01: VdomFSMThr_09: LUN.vol.proc.problem:debug]: Processing for LUNs in volume dstvol (DSID 1026) failed due to VDOM error 112 (event:8, state:0, current context: 0).
Mon Nov 02 17:15:06 -0500 [BGNAN01: vv_config_worker03: wafl.config.req.error:debug]: Config request 'VV_CONFIG_REQ_SNAPRESTORE' by WAFL for volume dstvolc0ed6941-f7ac-11e6-aa6d-00a098ac0343 is not being processed because of the error: '671 - CR_EINTERNAL'.