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NetApp Knowledge Base

SnapMirror update fails with error: Failed to start transfer.(Out of memory)

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • SnapMirror


  • SnapMirror update fails due to memory issues on the node.
  • SnapMirror Audit Log
18:53:36 BST 2021 ResumedUpdate[Aug 29 15:28:00]:a6193445-bd89-11e7-a681-00a0989f557c Operation-Uuid=<operation_uuid> Group=none Operation-Cookie=0 action=Defer source=<source_path> destination=<destination_path> status=Failure message=Failed to start transfer for Snapshot copy "<snapshot_name>".(Failed to start transfer.(Out of memory))
  • EMS Log
Sun Aug 29 15:33:33 BST [<node_name>: wafl_exempt10: wafl.memory.statusLowMemory:notice]: WAFL is running low on memory, with 5734MB remaining.

Sun Aug 29 15:33:33 BST [<node_name>: wafl_exempt15: wafl.memory.statusVeryLowMemory:alert]: WAFL is running very low on memory, with 5731MB remaining.
Tue Aug 31 01:30:05 BST [<node_name>: worker_thread_690: repl.out.of.memory:notice]: SnapMirror replication transfer encountered an out-of-memory error.
Tue Aug 31 01:30:07 BST [<node_name>: mgwd:]: Scheduled transfer from source volume '<source_path>' to destination volume(s) '<dest_path>' failed with error 'Transfer failed. (Out of memory)'. Job ID 38476.

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