SnapMirror policy schedule is not doing Snapshot rotation due to Snapshot count limit
Applies to
- SnapMirror
- SnapMirror policy schedule is not doing snapshot rotation due to Snapshot count limit
- The relationship failed with;
'Transfer failed'. Last Transfer Error Was 'The number of Snapshot copies on destination volume "SVM_DES:vol_des" has reached the maximum supported count of 1019.
- Error messages of
would be observed from the event log
For example:
sm.vault.xfer.warn.snapshot.count.limit: Snapshot count limit for SnapMirror relationship with source volume 'SVM_SRC:vol_src' and destination volume 'SVM_DES:vol_des' with relationship UUID 'xxxx' has been reached : Snapmirror will fail all subsequent vault_00:10 transfers. Reduce the keep or delete some snapshots on SVM_DES:vol_des.