Application Snapshot are not supported on an SMBC relationship
Applies to
- Application snapshots
MonSep 05 02:01:11 +0200 [NaCl03a: repl_Handle_sync_control:sms.snap.not.replicated:notice]: Snapshot copy <snapshot> matching the label <label> is not sucessfully replicated for the relationship'168bfabc-b97f-11ec-8038-00a098fbf306' with source volume DSID '54378' and path <path>. Reason: Snapshot replication request timed out..
Mon Sep 05 02:01:20 +0200 [NaCl03a:svc_queue_thread: wafl.sis.clone.create.failed:info]: File clone create of clone <file> from source <file> in volume <volume> failed with error:Snapshot backed clones are not supported on SnapMirror Synchronous source volumes for regular files and sub file clones or if the backing snapshot is invalid or not replicated. at line 0 with src_fsid 54378, dst_fsid 0, src_snapid 21, dir_fileid 64, type Local, category from_zapi.