Volume move of encrypted volume failed with error: Creating volume: Internal error
Applies to
NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE).
- When attempting to volume move an encrypted volume to an aggregate on a different node in the cluster, the following error occurs:
"Creating volume: Internal error (1)."
cluster1::> volume move start -vserver vs0 -volume volume_test -destination-aggregate dest_aggr
[Job 8867] Job is queued: Move "volume_test" in Vserver "vs0" to aggregate "dest_aggr".
Use the "volume move show -vserver vs0 -volume volume_test" command to view the status of this operation.
cluster1::*> vol move show -vserver vs0 -volume volume_test
Vserver Name: vs0
Volume Name: volume_test
Actual Completion Time: Tue Feb 05 09:43:22 2019
Detailed Status: Creating volume: Internal error
- Check the job status. The job ID is printed when the volume move start command runs.
cluster1::> job show -id 8867 -fields progress,id,vserver
id vserver progress
-- ---------------- ---------
8867 vs0 Complete: Creating volume: Internal error [1]
- Check the event logs:
cluster1::> event log show -message-name *jobcomplete.failure*
Tue Feb 05 11:09:28 PST [vs0-02: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:info]: Job "Volume
Move" [id 8867] (Move "volume_test" in Vserver "vs0" to aggregate "dest_aggr") completed
unsuccessfully: Creating volume: Internal error (1).