Volume creation fails post switch from node root volume encryption using OKM to KMIP
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.8+
Switching from Onboard Key Manager to KMIP while using node root volume encryption results in volume creation failure. The following can be seen in MGWD
Job ‘”vol create” [id xxxx] (Create test2) completed unsuccessfully: Failed to create the volume on node “cluster-01”. Reason: Option ‘’ is only available for block checksum volumes.
wafl.config.req.error: Config request ‘VV_CONFIG_REQ_OFFLINE’ by WAFL for volume is not being processed because of the error: ‘287 – CR_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND’
wafl.config.req.error: Config request ‘VV_ CONFIG_REQ_CREATE’ by WAFL for volume ‘test2’ is not being processed because of the error: ’31 – CR_BCS_VOL_ONLY’