External key servers unavailable on boot when using ifgrps with more than one digit in names as KMIP interfaces
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.7P11
- External KMIP servers
- Interface groups (ifgrps)
External key servers fail to connect during boot after ONTAP upgrade to 9.7P11.
The following errors can be observerd on boot:
WARNING: kmip_init: kmip_discover: Key server not responding, still trying
WARNING: kmip_init: All hosts unreachable for 1 minute, 4 seconds
* A T T E N T I O N *
* *
* Key server not responding. Is the key server online? *
* *
ERROR: kmip_init: Maximum wait time 1 minute exceeded.
* A T T E N T I O N *
* *
* System cannot connect to key managers. *
* *
kmip2_client: Importing keys from external key servers.[Mar 23 15:19:10]: 0x808604200: 0: ERR: kmip2::kmipCmds::KmipConnection: [cryptsoftErrorCb]:120: Error: distro/kmip_ssl.c: 4290: error: 10: msg: kmip_ssl_conn_do_handshake
[Mar 23 15:19:10]: 0x808604200: 0: ERR: kmip2::kmipCmds::KmipConnection: [cryptsoftErrorCb]:120: Error: distro/kmip_io.c: 243: error: 10: msg: KMIP_xmit:KMIP_send
[Mar 23 15:19:10]: 0x808604200: 0: ERR: kmip2::kmipCmds::KmipConnection: [cryptsoftErrorCb]:120: Error: distro/kmip_cmd.c: 2432: error: 10: msg: KMIP_CMD_xmit:KMIP_xmit
[Mar 23 15:19:10]: 0x808604200: 0: ERR: kmip2::kmipCmds::KmipConnection: [cryptsoftErrorCb]:120: Error: distro/kmip_umsg.c: 433: error: 10: msg: cmd_locate
[Mar 23 15:19:10]: 0x808604200: 0: ERR: kmip2::kmipCmds::KmipConnection: [cryptsoftErrorCb]:120: Error: src/kmipCmds/KmipLocateCmd.cc: 103: error: 10: msg: KMIP_CMD_locate
[Mar 23 15:19:10]: 0x808604200: 0: ERR: kmip2::import_keys: [getAks]:197: Caught KmipException while importing keys; KmipLocateException: IO (10)