Brocade 8510 or DCX Fiber Channel Switch may experience over heating
Applies to
- Brocade DCX8510
- Brocade DCX switch
- Brocade DCX or 8510 reporting high blade temperatures, and that some blades were marked `
` due to over temperature conditions.
- Investigation further indicated that the ambient temperature in the data center, and as measured at the DCX fan intakes were within normal limits.
- Replacement of the faulted blade does not resolve the issue
- Overtemp condition is limited to a few of the sensors but most are in acceptable ranges
- RASLOG will display warning and critical error messages:
2016/02/13-18:17:20:637749, [HIL-1501], 46454/3937, SLOT 7 | CHASSIS, WARNING, DCXa, Slot 5, high temperature (69).
2016/02/13-18:21:38:105359, [HIL-1502], 46461/3944, SLOT 7 | FFDC | CHASSIS, CRITICAL, DCXa, Slot 5, high temperature (74). Unit will be shut down in 2 minutes if temperature remains high.
2016/02/13-18:23:42:477105, [HIL-1503], 46469/3948, SLOT 7 | FFDC | CHASSIS, CRITICAL, DCXa, Slot 5, unit shutting down.
- Output of the
command will flag any components operating above the maximum temperature:
DCXa:FID128:root> tempshow
Sensor Slot State Centigrade Fahrenheit
32 5 Above maximum 72 161
sensor 32: (Temperature) is Above maximum, value is 72 C
- If the blade is shutdown due to the high termperature, it will show up as "FAULTY (5)" in the slotshow command output:
slotshow -m
Slot Blade Type ID Model Name Status