Switch ports on a slot going to Hard_Flt state along with DMA errors observed under errdump
Applies to
- Brocade switches
- All FOS versions
Multiple switch ports on a slot in Hard_Flt state and DMA errors observed under errdump
2021/07/16-16:29:15:850626, [C4-5057], 86137/0, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, ERROR, SWITCH_X6-4, DMA corrupt desc: Chip[OID 0x43410080] ch: 0, desc_ptr: 0x000000cf, desc: 0x8000004f, 0x00009884, 0x7f2b4100, 0x00000000, wait: 1058364661, OID:0x43410080, c4_txrx.c, line: 4951, comp:emd, ltime:2021/07/16-16:29:15:850478
2021/07/16-16:29:17:868238, [LOG-5000], 86138/0, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, INFO, SWITCH_X6-4, Previous message repeat 1 time(s), OID:0x43410080, c4_txrx.c, line: 4951, comp:emd, ltime:2021/07/16-16:29:16:390440
2021/07/16-16:29:17:868300, [C4-5351], 86139/0, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, CRITICAL, SWITCH_X6-4, LKSM [OID 0x43428039] (065) (S4,BP57): Port to be faulted due to busy buffer stuck error, OID:0x43428039, proto_lksm.c, line: 1708, comp:emd, ltime:2021/07/16-16:29:17:867995
2021/07/16-16:29:17:868320, [C4-1002], 86140/71770, SLOT 1 | FFDC | CHASSIS, ERROR, SWITCH_X6-4, Port 65 chip failed due to an internal error., OID:0x43428039, proto_lksm.c, line: 1711, comp:emd, ltime:2021/07/16-16:29:17:868065