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What is an Access LUN on an E-Series System and shows Universal Xport on HOST OS?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp E-Series Systems
  • NetApp SANtricity OS
  • Access LUN (aka Access Volume)


  • The Access LUN (UTM LUN):
    • Is mapped by default
    • Only function is to allow in-band management
    • Allows SCSI commands to be translated to symbol commands for SANtricity management for SAN ports
  • I/O operations are not supported on UTM LUNs. If the storage is managed only Out-Of-Band, unmap the access LUN "Universal Xport".
  • Operating system multipath drivers can block/blacklist the UTM LUN to present read and write I/O operations. Example below for Linux operating systems using Device Mapper Multipathing driver:
    • Example: (include in /etc/multipath.conf)

blacklist {
     device {
          vendor "*"
          product "Universal Xport"

Additional Information

SANtricity Software Express Configuration for Linux goes further into this topic on page 17.


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