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NetApp Knowledge Base

Core dump has been captured on Storage Controller of StorageGRID appliance

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp StorageGRID Appliances
  • NetApp SANtricity OS 11.30.x


  • StorageGRID controller encounters an exception and unexpectedly reboots to recover itself
  • Core dump (controller health image) was captured to collect data regarding the reboot
  • One of the following excLogShow Output:


(ProcessEvents): PANIC: Caught bad allocation in processEventsMethod for 0x0 null

Stack Trace for ProcessEvents:

ffffffff8054c248vxTaskEntry +0x58 : vkiTask +0x89 ()

ffffffff802e09b3 vkiTask +0xb3 : _ZN3evf23AsyncVolumeEventManager17processEventsTaskEv +0x8 ()

ffffffff811ebd97 _ZN3evf23AsyncVolumeEventManager17processEventsTaskEv+0x27 : _ZN3evf23AsyncVolumeEventManager19processEventsMethodEv ()

ffffffff811ebc01 _ZN3evf23AsyncVolumeEventManager19processEventsMethodEv+0x6e1 : _vkiCmnErr ()

ffffffff802dd51f _vkiCmnErr +0xbf : vkiEnableTaskEventDetection +0x450 ()

ffffffff802dd178 vkiEnableTaskEventDetection+0x768 : psvJobAdd ()

ffffffff80270a4d psvJobAdd +0x2d : msgQSend ()

ffffffff8064f6f9 msgQSend +0x159 : (current instruction)

 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

(bdbmSync): PANIC: Unhandled C++ exception triggered terminate().

Stack Trace for bdbmSync:

Stack Trace Error: stack frame pointer of 0x88 is invalid

ffffffff80691704 _ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE+0x4 : _vkiCmnErr ()

ffffffff802dd51f _vkiCmnErr +0xbf : vkiEnableTaskEventDetection +0x450 ()

ffffffff802dd178 vkiEnableTaskEventDetection+0x768 : psvJobAdd ()

ffffffff80270a4d psvJobAdd +0x2d : msgQSend ()

ffffffff8064f6f9 msgQSend +0x159 : (current instruction)

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

(symTask0): ASSERT: Assertion failed: response, file, line 1732

Stack Trace for symTask0:

ffffffff8054c248 vxTaskEntry +0x58 : vkiTask +0x89 ()

ffffffff802e09b3 vkiTask +0xb3 : _ZN6symrpc15DispatchService9taskStartEPS0_ ()

ffffffff8150093c _ZN6symrpc15DispatchService9taskStartEPS0_+0xc : _ZN6symrpc15DispatchService4taskEv ()

ffffffff8150084d _ZN6symrpc15DispatchService4taskEv+0x5d : _ZN6symrpc9RpcServer8dispatchEPNS_6SvcIosE ()

ffffffff814fa7c5 _ZN6symrpc9RpcServer8dispatchEPNS_6SvcIosE+0x145 : _ZN4scap14CaptureManager29getControllerDebugInformationEP15DebugInfoExtent +0x2a9 () ffffffff82f76ae9 _ZN4scap14CaptureManager29getControllerDebugInformationEP15DebugInfoExtent+0x2c9 : _ZN4scap14CaptureManager14getCaptureDataEtPPc ()

ffffffff82f74f7a _ZN4scap14CaptureManager14getCaptureDataEtPPc+0x3ca : _ZN4scap14CaptureManager11captureDataEPKcib15TaskCoreGroup_t +0x459 ()

ffffffff82f73e2c _ZN4scap14CaptureManager11captureDataEPKcib15TaskCoreGroup_t+0x64c : sasShowAllDevices ()

ffffffff80e67d67 sasStateCapture +0x137 : sasShowAllPhyErrs ()

ffffffff80e5f4f1 sasShowAllPhyErrs +0x101 : sasShowAllDevPhyErrs2 ()

ffffffff80e69e6a sasShowAllDevPhyErrs2+0x5ca : sasShowDevPhyErr ()

ffffffff80e65e57 sasShowDevPhyErr +0xf7 : _ZN3sas18getDevPhyErrCountsEPN4scsi6HidItnEP17SasPhyErrorCountsS4_b ()

ffffffff80e5934b _ZN3sas18getDevPhyErrCountsEPN4scsi6HidItnEP17SasPhyErrorCountsS4_b+0x22b : utlAssertTFL ()

ffffffff8027c379 utlAssertTFL +0x49 : utlAssert ()

ffffffff802dd51f _vkiCmnErr +0xbf : vkiEnableTaskEventDetection +0x450 ()

ffffffff802dd178 vkiEnableTaskEventDetection+0x768 : psvJobAdd ()

ffffffff80270a4d psvJobAdd +0x2d : msgQSend () ffffffff8064f6f9 msgQSend +0x159 : (current instruction)


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