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NetApp Knowledge Base

Error when create mirroring or edit settings from SANtricity System Manager

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp E-Series
  • E-Series Platforms: E2800 and E5700
  • SANtricity OS 11.50.x or earlier
  • Unified Manager 4.2 or earlier
  • Chrome 80 or later


  • Launch System Manager from Unified Manager.
  • Select Storage > Synchronous Mirroring > Mirror volume, error as below prompted:
Cannot Access Mirroring Feature
The Asynchronous or Synchronous Mirroring feature cannot be accessed.
To access these features, close your current System Manager browser session and relaunch it from the Unified Manager.
  • Or if mirror pairs exist, select a mirrored pair and then select More > Edit settings, error as below prompted:

Data could not be loaded from the storage array.  One possible cause is the object on which you you were performing the operation no longer exists.  Other possible causes include network issues, inability to communicate with the controller, or loss of power to the storage array.  Check these causes and then retry the operation.



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