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OnCommand Data Warehouse ETL fails and user is unable to access the ‘Connectors’ window due to DWH password encryption file mismatch

Last Updated:

Applies to

OnCommand Insight Data Warehouse (DWH) 7.3.x


  1. ETL fails:
    On clicking the FAILED link provided in the DWH Jobs tab, the following error is reported:
            Message :
    javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Error encountered during decryption
       at org.jboss.invocation.InterceptorContext.proceed( to access the list of Connectors within the Data Warehouse (DWH) user interface.
  2. The 'Connector' Window fails to load. Instead, the page displays the following error:
    Error Processing Request
    Context Path:/dwh
    Servlet Path:/faces
    Path Info:/connectors/list.xhtml
    Query String:null
    Stack Trace:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Error encountered during encryption
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
  3. Or the Connector Window will display:

Internal Error


  • This issue is caused due to a conflict between the ‘Password encryption keys’ that are in the DWH server, and what is currently being used by one or more of the OCI connectors.
  • Usually seen if the DWH DB has been restored before the vault


If this is seen after restoring the DWH database, then remove the connectors before the first post restore ETL runs to resolve the issue.

  1. As the connectors page is not initially accessible, restore the same DWH backup again.
  2. After the restore completes, click on Connectors.
  3. Click on each connector number and note down the Name and Host information.
  4. Remove the connector. This will not remove any historical data in the DWH database.
  5. If a red banner appears with the text Security Risk: Default Encryption Keys Detected, run the securityadmin tool as outlined in article Why does OnCommand Insight / OnCommand Data Warehouse display Banner: "Security Risk: Default Encryption Keys Detected"?
  6. Click New to re-create the connectors, and add in the Name and Host information noted in Step 3.

If restoring the database again is not possible, contact NetApp Technical Support for assistance.

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