StorageGRID backups error to cloud library with compliance enabled on bucket
Applies to
- StorageGRID
- Commvault with cloud library feature
- Error in
35586 d651 06/21 08:11:12 51725483 SendSingleFile() - failed to send the remote file - <Path_Of_Object>
35586 d611 06/21 08:11:12 ######## <= Recv header, 17 bytes (0x11)
35586 d651 06/21 08:11:12 51725483 SetFileSize() - Error: Failed to set the size for the file <Path_Of_Object>
35586 d611 06/21 08:11:12 ######## 0000: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
35586 d651 06/21 08:11:12 51725483 CloseFile() - failed to send the temp file for <Path_Of_Object>, error: Message: Operation denied because of compliance settings.
Resource: <Path_Of_Object>
The location for <Path_Of_Object>
from commvault can be confirmed under storageGRID web interface