Does objects delete after object lock is expired on StorageGRID?
Applies to
- StorageGRID 11.8
- Object lock enabled bucket
- Retention set to X number of days
- No, objects are NOT deleted when the retention period expired for the object lock set on the bucket.
- Object lock on the objects are only removed based on the retention period.
- Since the bucket is compliant, ILM rules cannot be set to delete the objects due to:
- A compliant ILM rule requires the rule to have the retention period as FOREVER, which will not work in the case of deleting objects.
- If ILM rule is created to retain objects for x days, the rule is NON-COMPLIANT and will not be in effect with the COMPLIANT bucket.
- Use the bucket lifecycle policy to manage the automated deletion of the COMPLAINT object lock bucket.
Additional Information
Example of a bucket lifecycle policy (for versioned buckets)
{ "Rules": [ { "ID": "ExpireNonCurrentVersions", "Filter": {}, "Status": "Enabled", "NoncurrentVersionExpiration": { "NoncurrentDays": 1 } } ] }