StorageGRID upgrade from to 11.3.0 fails at final steps "ssh_exchange_Identification: connection reset by peer"
Applies to
- Platform: StorageGRID Webscale
- Environment: Admin Nodes and Storage Nodes are all VMware
- Version: to 11.3.0
During StorageGRID upgrade from to 11.3.0 fails at the final steps from the GUI/NMS with error "ssh_exchange_Identification: connection reset by peer".
[2020-07-17T01:16:36.985297 #17185] INFO -- : Executing command `scp -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o CheckHostIP=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@hostname:"/var/local/adc/bundles/BNDL/0x00000000/GfINF.BNDL.bin" "/tmp/GINF.BNDL.bin" 2>&1` on localhost
[2020-07-17T01:16:37.004547 #17185] ERROR -- : Error while running upgrade final steps.
[2020-07-17T01:16:37.004684 #17185] ERROR -- : Failed to execute scp command with '{:file=>"\"/var/local/adc/bundles/BNDL/0x00000000/GINF.BNDL.bin\"", :host=>"xadnsgstg201"}, {:file=>"\"/tmp/GINF.BNDL.bin\"", :host=>"localhost"}, {:secure=>false, :check=>false}' on localhost - 1, ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer (Bycast::StorageGRID::RetrieveBundle::Error)
All nodes in this GRID has upgraded to version 11.3.0, however it has stuck at this final steps that would not let the GRID finish its completion.