StorageGRID update fails because the Prometheus on-premise Admin Node is not running
Applies to
NetApp StorageGRID
Upgrade fails as Prometheus services is not running/can't be restarted
Check the upgrade log for the following message :
Restarting the Prometheus service on (Admin node name)
I, [2020-10-13T09:05:21.602925 #20197] INFO -- : Executing command `service prometheus restart 2>&1` on (Admin node name)
I, [2020-10-13T09:05:26.459354 #20197] INFO -- : Successfully restarted the Prometheus service on (Admin node name)
E, [2020-10-13T09:05:26.459706 #20197] ERROR -- : Error while updating the Prometheus configuration. Rerun this tool after the following issue(s) are resolved: Failed to restart the Prometheus service on the following nodes: (Admin node name)