StorageGRID decommission fails for a newly added node with fingerprint error
Applies to
NetApp StorageGRID
- The decommission task has been started but fails on following fingerprint error:
- Accessing the node via the GRID network IP you're able to login, but the node disconnects after a few seconds.
- Accessing the node via the Admin network works correctly.
- The node name of newly added node hasn't been used before.
- The gdu-server.log on primary admin node shows:
E, [2020-10-19T08:25:56.968793 #908] ERROR -- gdu-server: fingerprint
does not match for "
" (Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch)
E, [2020-10-19T08:25:56.969698 #908] ERROR -- gdu-server: Unable to connect to
on port 22: fingerprint xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xxdoes not match for "
" (Bycast::Commands::Sh::Remote::Error)