SnapCenter Plug-In for VMware backup shows warning "Warning: Mirror failed: SnapMirror update failed for 2 relationships..."
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) 4.4 and above
- After executing a backup that is configured with SnapMirror, the following warning is given:
Warning: Mirror failed: SnapMirror update failed for 2 relationships: Relationship [test1 : vol01 ==> test2 : vol03 ] failed with error: Snapmirror update failed with SDError (102) - SnapMirror update operation failed. Failed to update the SnapMirror relationship. Another transfer is in progress. Please check the Windows event log and SnapDrive logs for more details. Relationship [ test1 : vol01 ==> test2 : vol03 ] failed with error: Snapmirror update failed with SDError (102) - SnapMirror update operation failed. Failed to update the SnapMirror relationship. Another transfer is in progress. Please check the Windows event log and SnapDrive logs for more details., Start Time: 01/10/2020 11:15:00 PM, End Time: 01/10/2020 11:25:41 PM.
- In this scenario the backup and the SnapMirror processes completed successfuly with the snapshots being visible from the source and destination volumes, even though the warning was displayed.