What log files does SnapCenter SMCore Service generate?
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows
SnapCenter SMCore Service is a component running on SnapCenter Server host and Windows host having SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows.
The following log files are generated by SMCore.
Log File Name | Location | Description | Log Rotation |
SMCoreService.log |
<SC_Install_Dir>\SMCore\log\ |
SnapCenter SMCore Service log file. Note: From 4.9 onwards these include the logging for the SAL when not job related. |
The roll over is triggered when the log file size exceeds MaxFileSize . Rotated logs are retained as SMCoreService.log.<N> files up to the number specified as MaxSizeRollBackups . The default MaxFileSize is 10MB and the default MaxSizeRollBackups is 10. These parameters can be changed with Set-SmLogSettings -Agent Cmdlet. For details, find Windows Cmdlet Reference Guide for the version you are running and refer to the documentation. |
SMCore_<Job_ID>.log |
<SC_Install_Dir>\SMCore\log\ |
SnapCenter SMCore Service jog logs. Basically the same as Note: From 4.9 onwards these include the logging for the SAL. |
When total job log files size exceeds |
SnapDriveSALDebug.log |
<SC_Install_Dir>\SMCore |
SMCore Storage Abstraction Layer (SAL) log file. This log file contains log outputs related to ZAPI that SMCore ran. Note: SnapCenter 4.9 doesn't generate these logs anymore, and old ones can be deleted. Logging is folded into SMCoreService logs and the SMCore job logs, depending on job relevance. |
For details, refer to KB: How to change the maximum log file size and the number of log files to retain for SMCore SAL log.
SCW_<Job_ID>.log |
As SMCore SAL job logs, these contain the same lines as As SnapCenter Plug-in for Windows (SCW) logs, these contain Windows Host specific logging. Note: SnapCenter's SMCore 4.9 doesn't generate the SMCore SCW job logs anymore, and puts those lines into the SMCore job logs. |
When total job log files size exceeds |
JobLauncher.log |
<SC_Install_Dir>\SMCore\log\ |
Log file for SmJobLauncher.exe that triggers scheduled jobs. |
The same log rotation rule as SMCoreService.log is applied |