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NetApp Knowledge Base

The SnapCenter Purge Job is no longer running on its weekly schedule

Last Updated:

Applies to

SnapCenter Server 4.x


Checking the Job History, the Purge Job has not been running for a while, despite the Windows Task Scheduler claiming that the related "SnapCenterJobsRetention" Job ran last Sunday.
Since the Purge Job is run from Powershell in the Task Scheduler, the PSSnapIn  logs from %PSModulePath%\SnapCenter\log, should show some error on execution if the Job is not created in SnapCenter. The only error seen in this instance, is in the SmJobPurgeResponse gotten from the SmJobPurgeRequest sent by the Powershell Plug-in to the SnapCenter WebApp Port 8146, which on german Windows looks like this:

<_message>Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.</_message> <_errorCode>-1</_errorCode>

English translation: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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