SnapCenter plug-in for oracle database discovery fails with the error "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -206"
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle (SCO)
SnapCenter plug-in for oracle database discovery fails with the following error.
SPL Log:
DEBUG Execution Monitor Thread [sudo /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/sc_command_executor root "test -f '/etc/oracle/olr.loc' && echo true || echo false"] c.n.c.e.ShellResult - EXE-00001: Shell result [0:00:00.124] (Exit Value: 0):
/root/.bash_profile: line 13: unexpected token `newline', conditional binary operator expected
/root/.bash_profile: line 13: syntax error near `return'
/root/.bash_profile: line 13: `[[ himBH == *i* || return '
DEBUG qtp1756732975-21 c.n.o.c.s.d.DiscoveryService - Entering method findAllDatabaseInstances with the parameters Empty input.
DEBUG qtp1756732975-21 c.n.o.c.s.d.DiscoveryService - Completed method findAllDatabaseInstances with the return parameters Empty output.
DEBUG qtp1756732975-21 c.n.o.c.s.d.DiscoveryService - failed to complete method findAllDatabaseInstances with JVM free memory 3.3 GB and used memory 1.9 GB.
ERROR qtp1756732975-21 c.n.o.c.s.d.DiscoveryService - An exception thrown during the execution of method findAllDatabaseInstances and the exception message is String index out of range: -206.
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -206
at java.lang.String.substring(
INFO qtp1756732975-23 c.n.s.s.p.b.o.BackupOperationResource - SCO-LOG-1074: Discovered 0 databases in /etc/oratab and srvctl config command as applicable, Ensure that all database entries are available in /etc/oratab and srvctl config command as applicable.