SnapCenter for Oracle error GC overheadlimit exceeded
Applies to
- SnapCenter
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle (SCO)
- Java
- Intermittent errors resemble the following issue below can happen during any part of the backup or resource discovery process
DEBUG UQuis-vsolp33p c.n.o.c.s.d.DatabaseConfigurationService - failed to completemethod switchArchiveLog with JVM free memory 1.7 GB and used memory 296.3MB.
ERROR UQuis-vsolp33p c.n.o.c.s.d.DatabaseConfigurationService - An exception thrownduring the execution of method switchArchiveLog and the exception message isnull.
java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException: null
- The GUI and logs may produce the following
Activity 'End Quiesce Database AndBackup Of Control Files' failed with error: Resource(<server>\<database>) failed with error (PL-SCO-20005:Unquiescing of database failed with error java.rmi.ServerError: Error occurredin server thread; nested exception is: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overheadlimit exceeded.)