SnapCenter clone operations fail with error "Could not find any available unit numbers to add the disk to"
Applies to
All SnapCenter plugins
- SnapCenter clone operations fail to mount a virtual disk (VMDK or RDM LUN) with error, "Could not find any available unit numbers to add the disk to".
- The vmcontrol.log on the SCV appliance shows the below error
Failed to mount/Attach Disk: - Could not find any available unit numbers to add the disk to XXXXXXXXX.
- SMCore log on server where the clone is being mounted on logs similar to the following(C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SMCore\log\SMCore_xxx.log):
Activity name: Virtual Resources Clone: -1 - Failed to Mount/Attach Disk:- Could not find any available unit numbers to add the disk to <SERVER NAME>
- The vmcontrol.log on the SCV appliance shows the below error