SnapCenter: Login failed because incorrect password was provided too many times
Applies to
- SnapCenter Plugin for VMware vSphere (SCV)
- SnapCenter server (SC)
- NetApp Data Broker (NDB) 1.0.1
When doing a refresh/discovery on a VM in SnapCenter, the error below can be seen in the log "\SnapCenterJobLogs_Discovery_<jobid>\Discovery_<jobid>_<>\vmcontrol_<jobid>_xxxx.log"
ERROR <scv> --- [74675244-290573] c.n.a.s.c.SnapManagerHostServiceRestImpl : [JobId:<jobid>] Unable to login to SnapCenter Server : <ip> : Login failed because incorrect password was provided too many times. Wait several minutes and try again.
ERROR <scv> --- [74675244-290573] c.n.a.s.c.SnapManagerHostServiceRestImpl : [JobId:<jobid>] Error when obtaining token: null and unable to login to the SnapCenter Server <ip> : [JobId:<jobid>] Unable to login to SnapCenter Server : <ip> : Login failed because incorrect password was provided too many times. Wait several minutes and try again.