SnapCenter Plugin For SQL backups fail after upgrade to 4.4
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server 4.4
- SnapCenter Plugin for SQL (SCSQL) 4.4
- SnapCenter Plugin for Windows (SCW) 4.4
- SnapCenter Plugin for Exchange (SCE) 4.4
After upgrade to SnapCenter 4.4 the plugin host ignores the entries in the etc/hosts
file and tries to connect to the storage IP address defined in the SnapCenter server etc/hosts
file and backups fail
Critical SDW PID=[7880] TID=[6736] The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Connection to <IP_Address_seen_in_SnapCenter_server_etc/host file> on port 443 for protocol HTTPS timed out.