SnapCenter 5.0 backup jobs do not discover all SnapMirror/SnapVault relationships
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server (SC)
- SnapCenter Plugin for Exchange (SCE)
- SnapCenter Plugin for SQL (SCSQL)
- SnapCenter Plugin for Windows (SCW)
- Powershell Tool Kit (PSTK)
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle (SCO)
- ONTAP 9.14.1 and higher
- SnapCenter plugin backups finish with a warning due to replication failing for volume(s) included in the backup.
- The error indicates that no SnapMirror relationships were discovered and suggests verifying name resolution is correct and that the secondary storage systems having been added to SnapCenter.
2024-03-26T02:30:52.5242930-04:00 DEBUG SMCore_XXXXX PID=[10056] TID=[22] Command: Get-NcSnapMirror. Storage System: <SVM>. Version: NetApp Release 9.14.1: Wed Jan 24 02:50:30 UTC 2024. Connection Mode: REST
2024-03-26T02:32:32.1056104-04:00 ERROR SMCore_XXXXX PID=[10056] TID=[14] No SnapMirror relationships were found. Resolution: Please make sure that secondary storage systems are registered and host can resolve them correctly.