SCV Guest File Restore fails with error: Exception while onlining disk on guest system: Failed to download file from guest system FileNotFound
Applies to
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV)
- Microsoft Windows Server
SCV Guest File Restore fails with error:
2024-07-25 16:17:10.917 DEBUG AIH-HK-SVC --- [ Thread-25] c.n.a.g.u.WindowsGuestManager : Arguments: -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File "C:\Windows\NetAppvmware46_f9a3a4a8-fcd7-44cd-9e9b-82e35937b07f\attachDiskScript.ps1" getdrive
2024-07-25 16:17:11.224 DEBUG AIH-HK-SVC --- [ Thread-25] c.n.a.g.u.WindowsGuestManager : Waiting for process completion 4184
2024-07-25 16:17:41.224 DEBUG AIH-HK-SVC --- [ Thread-25] c.n.a.g.u.WindowsGuestManager : Tracking process 4184
2024-07-25 16:17:41.598 DEBUG AIH-HK-SVC --- [ Thread-25] c.n.a.g.u.WindowsGuestManager : [JobId:457] Exit code: 0
2024-07-25 16:17:42.039 DEBUG AIH-HK-SVC --- [ Thread-25] c.n.a.g.u.WindowsGuestManager : Exception while downloading file from guest nullFileNotFound
2024-07-25 16:17:42.040 DEBUG AIH-HK-SVC --- [ Thread-25] c.n.a.g.u.WindowsGuestManager : [JobId:457] Exception while onlining disk on guest system: Failed to download file from guest system FileNotFound
com.netapp.nvpf.api.model.ApiException: Failed to download file from guest system FileNotFound
- Guest file restore process it is not able to create PowerShell output files, refer to the below screenshot