SCSQL backups failing due to nsm database foreign key constraint error
Applies to
SCSQL plugin
To verify this is the problem collect the job logs for the last failed job ID and search the
file for the following error.2021-05-21T15:44:42.2165406-07:00 ERROR SnapManagerWeb_ID PID=[5520] TID=[35] Failed to remove the resource with id (190). Error: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`nsm`.`nsm_backupvolumesharing`, CONSTRAINT `FK_nsm_BackupVolumeSharing_nsm_sm_object` FOREIGN KEY (`nsm_sm_object_id`) REFERENCES `nsm_sm_object` (`nsm_sm_object_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON U)