SCO Discovery fails with error File system of type 'jfs2' with external logs configured is not supported
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle (SCO)
Discovery failed for object Path with error File system 'Path' of type 'jfs2' with external logs configured is not supported.
DEBUG: SCUPlugin: SCU::Operation::Discover::DiscoverBiz::_set_unsupported_filesystems(): Checking if filesystem 'Path' is supported or not
DEBUG: SCUPlugin: SCU::Operation::Discover::DiscoverBiz::_check_external_logdevice_configured(): Checking if file system 'Path' has external logs configured
ERROR: SCUPlugin: 169: SCU::Utils::Logger::set_and_log_error(): File system 'Path' of type 'jfs2' with external logs configured is not supported.